1st Bishop's Stortford and Hockerill Scout Group

Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts and Scouts for boys and girls aged 6-14

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Join us

Join Us

How To Join

Children are usually invited to join the relevant Section the term after their qualifying birthday. However, as we are a popular Group we currently have a long waiting list for places. If you would like your child added to the list, please contact our Waiting List Co-ordinator Christine Leach via email christine.leach@1stbishopsstortford.org.uk. You will then be contacted once a place becomes available.

Who Can Join

Our Group is open to boys and girlsbetween the ages of6 and 14:

We currently have three Beaver Scout Coloniesthree Cub Scout Packs and three Scout Troops, based at our Scout Headquarters, off Heath Row in Bishops Stortford, details of which can be seen opposite.

How Much Does It Cost

Membership Fee

There is a Membership Fee which is payable each term. The Membership Fee covers the cost of your Membership Pack, Group neck scarf and badges plus contributes to the cost of organising the exciting and challenging programme of activities each term - which is what Scouting is all about!

Current Membership Fees (as at May 2019) are as follows:

Beaver Scouts | £31.00
Cub Scouts |
Scouts |

Notifications that fees are due are emailed towards the end of each term to cover the term ahead. Fees should be paid before the new term starts.

If you have any questions about Membership Fees, please email our Membership Secretary Diana Fatkullina via email membership@1stbishopsstortford.org.uk.


Scouting is a uniformed orgainsation and we hope that all our young members wear their uniform with pride. Each Section's uniform comprises a sweatshirt/shirt. Group neck scarfs and woggles are provided by the Group when your child is invested. In addition, you may choose to purchase a Section polo shirt for warmer weather. Baseball caps, knitted hats etc are also available.

Uniforms can be purchased in two ways, online by visiting the Scout Association shop 
www.scouts.org.uk/shop or by visiting the local District shop. This is open on Wednesday evenings between 7pm and 8.30pm at 1st Thorley Group Headquarters, Thorley Lane, off Whittington Way, Bishop's Stortford.

Section Uniform Price (as at May 2019)
Beaver Scouts Beaver Turquoise Sweatshirt £14.00
Beaver Turquoise Polo Shirt (optional) £12.50
Cub Scouts Cub Dark Green Sweatshirt £14.50
Cub Dark Green Polo Shirt (optional) £13.50
Scouts Scout Teal Long Sleeved Shirt/Blouse £20.00

1st Bishop's Stortford and Hockerill Scout Group

We currently have three Beaver Scout Colonies, three Cub Scout Packs and three Scout Troops, which meet once a week on the following days:

Section Details

Watership Down Beaver Scout Colony

Tuesday 4.30pm-5.30pm

Ocean Beaver Scout Colony

Thursday 6.00pm-7.00pm

Galaxy Beaver Scout Colony

Sunday 5.00pm-6.00pm

Apache Cub Scout Pack

Monday 6.30pm-8.00pm

Comanche Cub Scout Pack

Tuesday 5.45pm-7.15pm

Navaho Cub Scout Pack

Wednesday 6.15pm-7.45pm

Aztec Scout Troop

Tuesday 7.30pm-9.00pm

Inca Scout Troop

Friday 7.30pm-9.00pm

Spartan Scout Troop

Saturday 10.00am-4.00pm

(approx once a month – see programme for details)

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